CineCita in Europe

The three-month CineCita Tour crossing Latin America was the very first large-scale Moviemiento project outside of Europe. Within just a few months of the journey through the Andes mountains, a series of events was organized to present the project in Berlin, in cooperation with the project partners from Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia. Impressive material was presented with a one-hour documentary film of the tour and 26 short films that were made in workshops by young women from Ecuador, Bolivia, and Peru.

The Films

South America in Berlin and the Netherlands

Moviemiento screened the documentary and the short films from the workshops during the Latin American Film Festival in the Netherlands. Furthermore, screenings were held in different places in Berlin, including at Roderich Filmkunst, Renategarten, Tristesza Barkollektiv, and Mehringhöfe. The screenings encouraged a huge audience to reflect on the role of women in society, which was the theme of CineCita. Additionally there were lectures at universities and events at schools to discuss topics such as sustainability in cultural projects, culture and development, and gender roles.

Further Items on the Program

Moviemiento has also initiated personal meetings between the Latin American partners and institutions and initiatives of the German Development Cooperation. The final event in Europe was a screening of the films, followed by a big party at Wilde Renate in Berlin.

CineCita in Europe


2001, four weeks, Germany, Netherlands


Presentations of the CineCita project

  • Moviemiento (Germany)

  • Nómadas (Peru)

  • La Cinta Corta (Ecuador)

  • Compa (Bolivia)

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