In November/December 2020, the Couch Potato Stop Motion Challenge took place in Wuppertal in cooperation with the Kulturrucksack.
Small teams could register for the challenge and create at home a stop motion scene using their mobile phone and an app. 20 kids between the ages of 9 and 14 and some of their parents took part. In eight small teams, the participants created and animated beautiful potatoes. Each team had 48 hours for its animation. In the style of a sequel, they continued the scene of the previous team and in the end all the scenes were put together to make one film. On the third Advent, there was an online premiere. That was the first time all teams saw the complete adventures of their animated potato in a 5 minutes shortfilm The film can be seen here!
Many thanks to all teams and the Kulturrucksack Wuppertal!
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