Brandenburg a.d. Havel
Alles im Fluss Program:
19.00 Herbal walk with Edible Alchemy
20.00 Concert: Carlos St. Ana – Old style hot jazz piano
21.00 Open Air Cinema: A funny short film program under the starry sky
All free of charge – just come by!
Friday, 11.8.2023 Brandenburg an der Havel
Location: On the shore at the Packhof, next to the historic harbor. Here!
The raft is located in front of a meadow on the shore, we have picnic blankets to sit on but feel free to bring your own. If you like, feel free to pack food & drinks for a picnic!
Program in detail:
19:00: Herb Tour with Edible Alchemy:
Discover wild herbs with all your senses: get to know edible herbs with Edible Alchemy! Peek, feel, rub, smell and taste. Come along with us and learn what you can pick in Brandenburg! Medicinal herbs and kitchen herbs, and preferably plants that are both at the same time, because “food should be our medicine” (Hippocrates).
20:00 Concert: Carlos St. Ana – Old style hot jazz piano
21:00 – 22:00 Open Air Cinema:
A fun, international short film program featuring documentaries, animation and fiction will be shown.
The event is part of the Alles im Fluss Tour 2023. This August, Moviemiento and the crew of the Panther Ray will be on the waterways for 12 days by raft in the western Havelland. Unlike previous years’ tours with various events, this time the event in Brandenburg is the only official one along the route. Come and enjoy the summer evening with us!
Photos: Nadja Bülow